Wednesday, December 21, 2011
On Forward Motion
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Some Thoughts...
Monday, August 1, 2011
Hello, Goodbye
So I looked to the right, out my window at the progressively pinking sky, watching the slightly sloped hills of the Midwest flaunt their summer green, a color I never knew I would miss until it's ubiquity was replaced by the beige of desert stone. I replayed the weekend in my head. Cailin's freckles and gestures, shadows of her mother's traits not only in her physicality but in her open heart and endless optimism. Rodney's penetrating eyes sending me back to my childhood when I used to ride on his shoulders. Beth's smile, just as I remembered it, genuine and comforting. Anna's statement about feeling lost which instantly made feel less alone, and her infectious laugh, a perfect reflection of the purity of her spirit. The kismet of Beth's journey leading her to the symbol of a butterfly's transformation and the fact that Chloe's and my tattoo have a parallel meaning. The wide expanse of grass, the lake, Sharon's house for dinner. Cailin, experiencing a situation all too familiar to me, and being able to let her know with great certainty that it will get easier with every passing day. Rodney's quiet happiness and all consuming embrace.
And though I wish I could steal these moments, hide them away in box, to be opened when I need reassurance, I know that living them, being there in the moment to catch every smile and sigh alike, is all I can do. For the leaves will turn and fall, foreshadowing the snowflakes that follow the same gravity. Winter will bring Chloe back to me and though I'm not sure when I will return, I am happy just to be here right now surrounding myself with love and sunshine and endless laughter.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Monday, May 16, 2011
Sense of Humor
Wayne Dyer in ‘The Power of Intention’ explains Life Rule no. 6. It is this: don’t take yourself so seriously. In case you’re wondering what the other 5 rules might be - there aren’t any.
When I can accept that I am feeling frustrated and do not try to get rid of the frustration, something really strange happens. The frustration eases. Try for yourself. Bring your awareness to whatever it is you’re feeling. Don’t judge the feeling, don’t judge yourself for having the feeling; try if you can to fully accept that in this moment and time, that is the feeling. I can guarantee you that the feeling will subside. Acceptance of what ‘is’ changes what ‘is’.
So heading into 2011 remember this: the quality of your Future, depends on the quality of your Now. Because if you are in the habit of saying NO to whatever is now, be in no doubt, when the future arrives chances are you’ll say NO to that also. Why? Because your mind will be busy fixing its attention to some next Future, convincing you that what is happening Now is an obstacle blocking your happiness in that Future.
To help keep things in perspective, refer back to Rule No. 6.
-Fiona Hoban
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Finding Stillness
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Lost and Found
Saturday, April 16, 2011
No More Monkeys

Sunday, March 20, 2011
Prayer for Japan
When you become light and you radiate, there is no darkness. A candle has one future, to spread the light. How does the candle spread the light? By burning itself, the candle spreads light and consequently knows the future. If you burn yourself, you will radiate and will spread light. The job of the human being is to radiate through the finite self the infinite light.-Yogi B
Friday, March 18, 2011
Warrior Presence
In twenty years of meditation and spiritual search I've noticed that the people who really "get it" in the sense of beautifully blending inner peace with loving action have something in common. It doesn't seem to matter whether they are Buddhist, Hindu, Jewish, Catholic, or born-again pagan. They have what might be called "warrior presence." In other words, they face larger problems just as they face their personal problems - as Einstein and Jung suggest we do - on a different level of concsiousness than the one at which the problems were created. Instead of allowing the negative forces of a flattening world to flatten them, those with warrior presence maintain beauty and control in their interior space, through being fully present in the moment.When I was reading the book a month ago, the concept resonated strongly with me, and I have recently come to know the importance and difficulty of applying it.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Friday, March 4, 2011
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Tao of Tyler
The stupid fly
has a bugging life,
And likes to see
His buddy die.
Fireworks are like lightning,
A big bomb,
Like a disco ball,
Sounding like a crack !
Fluffy fur,
Black nose,
Pointy tail,
I'm happy and stupid,
I'm a dog.
Listen! Do you hear . . .
The flies,
The workers,
The birds,
The pounding,
The chinking,
The whistling,
The radio,
And the door slamming!
The far away sounds of working,
The far away sounds of dogs barking,
The far away sound of a BANG!
T he pool is taking 7 months,
M y family found a puppy,
A bird fell next door earlier today,
T o play soccer you have to go to the Plaza,
I hate tomatoes,
S occer is my favorite sport,
S ome people are evil,
E very day I smack Baby Phat.
A snowflake,
A paper cut out,
Different . . .
But still the same,
One goes away
And one remains.
I hope these make you as happy as they make me.