Friday, March 11, 2011


One of the common threads of all of the spiritual reading I have done is the stated fact that electronic devises such as televisions, computers, and cell phones suck energy, not just electric, but human. These objects are loud and demand attention, calling you to check out and alluring you with their endless possibilities for entertainment, even when they are powered off. It is for these reasons that I have banished my laptop to the dining room, and only the dining room, to be used consciously and only for short spurts of the day.

I recently read that Ghandi changed one aspect of his life at a time until it was completely congruent with his beliefs. The first step I took a couple of weeks ago in order to lessen our electric bill, carbon footprint, and agitation, was to eliminate my use of artificial light. Instead of turning on my lamps for hours every night, I light candles. Wonderful things have happened as a result, one of them being the calm subtle, bouncing flames elicit in Tallulah. She now goes to sleep when the sun goes down, and without hardly any effort on my part. 

After some time of enjoying the soft light of candles, it became apparent that the computer had to go as well, for as I was nursing Tallulah to sleep and watching the sun pass beneath the ground, I was anxious, thinking of all the things I could be doing on my computer, instead of focusing on the present moment and savoring my time with my daughter. Also, due to the nature of the laptop, I was carting it around with me everywhere, prompting me to constantly be checking something online, and in general producing an edgy state that is not necessary or comfortable.

I am constantly in awe of how Bronte and Tyler idolize their electronic devises, so it seemed fitting that I abandon my own to line up with my beliefs. After only 2 days I feel as though a burden had been lifted. I don't wake in the middle of the night to check my email, rather lay in the stillness and ruminate on my desires. I am more open to receiving the presence of others and the moment at hand, no longer solely focused on the internet connection or facebook comments. In letting go of having nonstop access to my computer I have also let go of the guilt that goes along with checking out in front of it.

I have found that a great many people don't live the life that makes them happy because they think it is out of reach, I agree with Ghandi, that all one must do is change one thing at a time, until they find their existence is in accord with what truly fulfills them. In only the short amount of time that I have been engaging in this very idea, my life has changed profoundly, and I am excited for each new day of nuanced discoveries I had missed being inundated in technology.

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