Welcome to Planet Earth. There is nothing you cannot be or do or have. -Abraham

I want to know what I want. Simple as it may seem, this concept has evaded me until now. I recently rediscovered the Law of Attraction CDs, and in listening to the brilliance of Abraham I realized that I have no idea what it is that I want. Although this thought disturbed me, it also made me realize that being where I am at this moment, a country endlessly different than the one in which I spent all of my prior years, is where I am finally beginning to find some clarity. I feel that I am on the cusp of something magnificent.
My mom, the renegade, is starting a real estate company, building a chemical-free pool, designing and developing an eco-friendly home, baking, cleaning, and marketing, all while raising two children under 14 and frequently disciplining our three mischievous dogs.
Chloe, the free spirit, has had 3 stories published, won a literary contest, worked for her school newspaper, been hired by one of the hippest writers in the US, and been accepted to an art academy in Greece, all in the year before she turned 20.
Nana, the woman who proves it is never too late, lost over 60 pounds and regained her fading health at the age of 68.
In the company of these extraordinary and beautiful women, I feel that anything that I want is within reach, and I have never felt closer to knowing just what that is.
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