-Bob Marley (and the Bible)
I have heard my mom speak the words "what you resist shall persist" more times than I care to recall, and they were usually met with a giant eye-roll. It is in my recent stage of knowledge seeking and intuitive thought that I am seeing the real truth in these words. That which we push away will push right back at us until we learn that negative thought is just as powerful as an affirmation. Consequently we will receive the things we give thought to, and if our thoughts are predominately that which we refuse to accept, that is what we magnetize.

Davis left because the physical labor required of him was too much at the age of 50. He screamed expletives at my mom for making him assist the workers in moving an oven. He is now working 2 jobs in Minnesota: one as a rock hauler and one as a furniture assembler.
While some refer to such instances as irony or coincidence, I believe these words are simply methods of rationalizing an extremely important and seldom recognized notion. Constant thought of what you don't want will play undesirables in your life like a broken record. Focus on what you do want and forget the rest.
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